Finance Data Cleansing

Case Studies

Finance Data Cleansing


  • 500K companies processed
  • 5 hours to 13 Mins – time to process data on company
  • 16+ Data points covered


This data platform enables supply chain and procurement professionals to discover, evaluate, and monitor suppliers along with comprehensive supplier data and intuitive software tools delivering best-in-class monitoring and insight into global supply chains and market intelligence. They needed support clearing the backlog and Improving their supplier intelligence platform. They were looking for a dependable partner who can ramp up to update and validate the financial data and content related to companies/ industry sectors at scale.


Intellekt brought in technology and experience in working with financial data to curate, validate financial data, content pertaining to jobs, companies and industry sectors on the customer’s platform. The unstructured data sources totaled to over 16, each with its own transformation process. We used ML techniques to automate 50% of processes to reduce the cycle time for the companies financial profiles to be created.


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